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We have a very limited number of places available in Year 9 for September 2024 entry. Please contact our admissions team to discuss on 01258 484 633 or complete the enquiry form.


Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make and we understand how crucial it is to find the right one but we also understand this can be a daunting process and I and all the team are here to support you and ensure your journey to join Bryanston is as smooth as possible.

The team, at Bryanston, are on hand through every step as you consider joining our vibrant, happy and inclusive school and we warmly invite you to visit us on an individual tour or one of our small group parent mornings.  These are available for any of our key entry points in the Prep or Year 9 and Year 12 at Bryanston School and for other year groups if places are available.  Visiting allows you to see the school in action, meet some of inspirational staff and students and discover what we offer academically and through the vast array of co-curricular activities. 

At Bryanston we value diversity, inclusivity and celebrate students individual talents.  We strive to foster an environment where students can flourish academically, artistically, and socially in a co-educational environment which is home to around 700 students the majority of which full board although some do benefit from flexible and day opportunities.

We encourage you start our admissions journey now and one of the team will happily discuss the admission of your child, please call 01258 484 633 or complete our enquiry form.

I personally, look forward to meeting you.

Melanie Burke
Director of Admissions

Our admissions process for year 9 entry

year 9 entry


Complete Enquiry Form

Register Your Child

Sixth Form Entry (Year 12)


Complete Enquiry Form

Register Your Child

Entry into other year groups

other year groups

International Applications

international applications

How to apply

Scholarships & bursaries

How we can help to support your child's application

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Schedule of fees – the costs of coming to Bryanston

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