
Art exhibition showcases talent and creativity

23 January 2024

Gallery Eight Art Exhibition Portrait

The creativity of the whole Bryanston family was on show last week for all to see in London at Gallery Eight, St James’. The Imagine exhibition celebrated the incredible talents of current pupils, alumni, parents and staff with an outstanding collection of over 130 pieces on display in the physical gallery and more online.

Bryanston art pupils were able to visit the gallery to see their work displayed alongside practising and world renowned artists including Lucian Freud, Howard Hodgkin, Jane Swan, Nina Brooke and Philip Rae-Scott. The exhibition truly showcased the endless possibilities of the imagination.

Artist demonstrations took place over the course of the week with President of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and Bryanston art teacher, Anthony Connolly, drawing Bryanston teacher, Duncan Fowler-Watt. Sophie Smorczewski painted in the gallery while guests who work in the creative arts enjoyed a networking lunch.

Travelling seascape artist, Nina Brooke transported everyone with her stunning painting to the tranquil waters of the Maldives and award-winning Sculptor, Jane Shaw demonstrated her amazing skills.

Jack Dickson, Bryanston art teacher and practising artist painted former Second Master, Peter Hardy and Jack Ford, London-based portrait artist, painted Brenton West, BBC Repair Shop’s specialist silversmith and precious metals expert.

Gallery Eight Sculpture

Hundreds of guests visited the gallery either throughout the day or at one of our organised private views and comments included “Inspirational!”, “Hugely impressive exhibition, such a high level of talent”, “Astonishing range across different media”, “Stunning oils, sculptures and everything in between!”.

As part of Bryanston’s ongoing mission to support and promote the Arts, many of the works on display were available to purchase, with proceeds being directed to a new initiative, the Bryanston Art Bursary Fund. This will provide financial assistance to aspiring artists to attend Bryanston and help ensure that the school can continue to always nurture, and enable the next generation of creatives. The online gallery is still open for viewing and purchasing.

This exhibition was a huge undertaking and the school is especially grateful to the Art Department, Development Department and Catering team for all they did to make the exhibition the success that it was. Plans are afoot for another show in two years’ time as we run into the school’s centenary in 2028.

Thank you to everyone who supported the exhibition and our artists. It was wonderful to see you there!

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