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Boarding is not simply about educating children away from home; at Bryanston, boarding is what allows us to provide a breadth and depth of opportunity for every child.

Boarding encourages pupils to become mature, caring and responsible adults who develop the key skills of tolerance, compassion, understanding and respect for others.

Each boarding house is headed by a House Parent who takes a close interest in each pupil’s general progress and welfare, and encourages a nurturing sense of ‘home’ in their house. The Houseparent works in partnership with the Tutor and parents to ensure that each child is happy and achieving their best.

The House Parents are supported by a matron, live-in residents and a house team (made up of teaching staff) who help to supervise prep and bedtimes. The pupils also have a role to play as Heads of House or House Prefects.

As one of the first fully coeducational boarding schools in the UK, we understand the strengths and challenges of co-education and our boarding structures are designed in light of experience.

All first-year boys go into one of two junior houses where they have the chance to find their feet amongst their peer group and settle into life at school before moving up to their senior house. Girls are in the same house throughout their time at Bryanston.

From September 2023 in response to interest from parents, we’re offering a small number of day places without a bed.

We also offer flexi-boarding. This gives day students the option of staying overnight. We just ask for clear communication with the student's House Parent. 

We have gold membership of the Boarding Schools' Association and are members of AEGIS, a guardianship organisation.

BSA gold logoAEGIS logo