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Find out about who our callers are, why they are calling and the amazing possible outcomes following your conversation.


We will call you between 14–28 November 2022 at one of the following times (GMT):

  • Mon-Thurs: 6.15 - 9.30pm
  • Saturdays: 10am - 5pm
  • Sundays: 3 - 8pm
  • Mon 28 November – 10am – 5pm


An OB will call you. If the call comes at an inconvenient time, a more suitable time will be agreed.

About our OB callers

Unfortunately, OBs will only be able to make outgoing calls but if you miss a call from us, we will call you again to see if we can get hold of you before the end of the calling fortnight. However, the Development Team is always happy to talk about giving to Bryanston and you can email or call 01258 484 514 at any time.


We are enormously proud of our Bryanston family and are interested to hear about what you are doing now. 

We would also like to tell you our news and give you the chance of remaining an active and fully engaged member of the Bryanston family. 

There are many ways that you can play an important role in the lives of current and future pupils ranging from financial support for bursaries and enrichment projects, to participating in a sporting group or by volunteering in the Bryanston careers programme. 

In return, we create regular opportunities for our Bryanston family to network with each other across the world and participate in social and sporting events to help your school friendships to flourish lifelong.
100% of any gift you make will go directly to supporting our pupils. This year, you can choose one of these two great causes or split your gift and give to both:

  1. Bursaries to directly support a young person’s education at Bryanston
  2. Pupil enrichment programmes 

what getting a funded place meant to Danill from Ukraine

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Will I be asked for money?

Yes. We will explain this year’s projects and politely ask if you would be willing to offer financial support. You are under no pressure at all to agree. We will also ask if you would be interested in getting involved in other ways, such as volunteering for our careers programme and becoming a member of one of our sports and social groups.

Our secret fundraising champions have laid down some Calling challenges and you can help us unlock a further £7,000 over the calling fortnight.  We also have some great donor rewards that our pupils have come up with. Ask our callers to tell you more!

how bryanston enabled MICAH to fulfil her potential

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Why does Bryanston need philanthropic support?

We rely on charitable support over and above the fees to fund bursaries for deserving pupils who would love a Bryanston education and to provide the additional educational enrichment we believe is vital for pupils to thrive and flourish.

By asking everyone, to whom Bryanston matters, to give in some way, the Bryanston family will continue to provide an exciting and enriching future for current and future pupils.


Please email with ‘Opt-Out’ in the subject line and include your name, postcode, house and class year. Alternatively, you can call Helen Kortjohn on 01258 484 514.

If you are a carer and are concerned that the person you care for is an OB who may not cope well or enjoy receiving a call from the school, please contact Helen Kortjohn on or 01258 452 411.


If we do something you like or do not like, please let us know. Contact Victoria Fangen Hall, Director of Development, on or 01258 484 555.

Fundraising Regulator