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Please note the following when hacking at Bryanston:

  • You MUST sign out on the hacking board (located in the hallway opposite the changing room), detailing your Name, Horses name, which route you intend to take, Departure time, Expected Arrival time, contact number, who permission has been given by and initial to say that they are going to adhere to the hacking rules set out below. 
  • You MUST carry a mobile phone with the numbers of SOS, SAM, Security and Vets. 
  • All students MUST wear a Hi-Viz tabard, whilst making sure that shoulders are covered AT ALL times. In addition, students are FORBIDDEN to wear any form of earring except studs or sleepers, to not have headphones in and to be chewing gum.  
  • Main school, playing fields and areas around the boarding houses are STRICTLY off limits to horses AT ALL times. 
  • You are prohibited from riding on any grass verge or area where grass is mown and maintained. 
  • NO student is allowed to hack on their own UNLESS permission is given by any senior staff member. Students can hack either in pairs or groups of 3 ONLY. 
  • ALL students MUST have personal liability insurance that covers and is appropriate to riding horses. As they will not be covered by the school’s insurance.  
  • It is strongly recommended that any who hacks should hold their BHS Riding out safely award and opportunities will be given each term to be assessed for this qualification. 
  • When riding on roads you have a responsibility to be courteous to ALL road users and adhere to the Highway Code. 
  • If you do NOT return within 15mins of you stated time staff will call you make sure you are ok. 
  • In the event of an accident, you MUST stay CALM, following the steps below: 
    • Call the duty groom
    • If ambulance or police are required call 112 or 999 
    • Assess what has gone on and if possible photograph any evidence on your phone
    • Do NOT move the injured person, unless they’re in un-avoidable danger. Do NOT remove their hat or give them food or drink
    • If a vet is needed call Damory Vets directly
    • If assistance is needed until the emergency services arrive, ask for assistance from other drivers, pedestrians
    • Keep yourself safe, minimising risk to others
    • Do not be scared to ask for help
    • A person’s life is more important than a horse