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This is Bryanston’s vision:

  • To inspire, stimulate and liberate our children’s vision

Bryanston students find their purpose in life. They know what they love to do, and why, and how to go on doing it, at school and afterwards. 

They can articulate their vision, and show us how they are moving towards it. 

They are inspiring young people – many of them on the brink of stepping out into the world, and certain to have a powerful, positive impact on it. 

These are our vision makers. Here they tell us what they believe in, what they are going to do, and how Bryanston gave them the opportunity and the self-confidence to become extraordinary. 

We believe every child has this potential – and we know how to help them make their vision a reality.

Lilly Mae

We need to find a common language


‘I want to make the news accessible to everyone.

We’ve lost faith in journalism – it’s been undermined. Debased. When it’s serious, it’s inaccessible, and when it’s simplified, it’s distorted.

I want to spark a proper discussion, among professionals and around the family dinner table, in language we can all speak together.

At school I’ve learnt to channel my vision into action, and as a result I’m now going to join the BBC as an apprentice journalist.’


Pursue what you truly love


‘For me, it’s football. I started taking it seriously when I was 11. Training, practising, figuring out my strengths and weaknesses, working on them – constantly seeking to improve. It gives me pure joy. It’s a way to deeply know myself, and it’s also about working alongside others – having an unwavering commitment to the team.

School gives me the opportunity and the coaching to become the best version of myself. I hope to turn professional, but also, to inspire others to find happiness through their true love, and transform themselves in the process.’






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Fashion isn’t just about changing your clothes

‘We can’t ignore the dark side of fashion – the exploitation and manipulation behind the creative facade.

I’m going to be the fashion journalist you can trust – who tells you the truth, shows you better choices, and empowers you to express your style ethically, distinctively and in ways that are your own, not those dictated by the industry.

It’s time to rip up the rule book for fashion journalism, and start again with the values my generation insists on.

We’ll change the world, and our clothes!’



We all need a place to be ourselves


‘I found mine here at Bryanston. But it wasn’t always so. And it’s far worse for many women, especially in poor countries, and even more desperate for those who are the victims of domestic violence there. I’m doing something about it - with the support of the company A Tree That Grows, I’m providing women in Tanzania with a resource portal for those who are experiencing domestic abuse. It helps them end abuse and find themselves. I’m going to Tanzania this year to find out what more I can do. My future is in international development, and it’s already started here, in Dorset!’


The boundary exists to be gone beyond


‘Cricket is in my blood. My father played test cricket, and I hope to as well. I’m playing as much as I can here at school, and I’m learning not just technique, but much more besides. Cricket takes us out of the hurly-burly of the world, but at the same time it teaches us how to manage everything important in life. It is both a team sport and an individual contest. It shows us the value of focus and determination, and of endurance. It sets a boundary, but rewards us for going beyond it. The greatest players don’t merely score runs or take wickets, but do so with grace, elegance and style. They excel, and also inspire. That’s what I want to do.’


I want to start a riot

‘Gender is fluid but fashion’s extreme. It says here’s a man, here’s a woman, and if you’re not a traditional man, well, maybe you’ll dress more like a woman. Where’s the spectrum? I’ve studied the history of male stereotypes - men feel trapped and uncertain. I’m going into fashion to start a riot and break the extreme bias, because what we wear matters. It says who we are, and fashion needs to wake up to how we see our genders now.’
