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We have a distinctive approach to education designed to enable, challenge and support every student.

This approach is firmly focused on the individual and we work tirelessly to ensure that each student not only achieves the results they deserve, but also learns to think independently, be self-reliant and explore new interests – they often surprise us and themselves!

We focus on the needs of the individual, which means we can provide support where necessary and stretch where challenge is needed.

How do we define success?

Of course, academic results are important, but we also care about what each student gains from their time at Bryanston – the success of their experience and the value we add and that Bryanston gives them – along with the breadth of destinations they head to after they leave us.

Our curriculum

Our Curriculum

We don’t make assumptions about where someone’s strengths lie and encourage every pupil to explore a breadth of subjects before they decide on their choices for GCSE, A level or IB.

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Careers support

Departments and Subjects

We offer a broad range of subjects that embrace the academic, creative and practical, and encourage pupils to apply a creative approach to learning across all disciplines.

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Library and resources


We celebrate the breadth of destinations that our pupils take – from universities and other academic destinations to creative arts, sports, music, social impact and vocational.

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Careers support

Careers Support

We support pupils with advice and research to enable them to make the best choices for their future beyond the School.

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Library and resources

Library and Resources

We provide a full range of references and resources to support pupils in their learning and personal interests.

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