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We don’t make assumptions about where someone’s strengths lie and encourage every pupil to explore a breadth of subjects before they decide on their choices for GCSE, A level or IB.

Together with their tutor, pupils are supported in their choice of subjects as they move through the School.

In the first year (Year 9) we encourage exploration as they prepare for their academic choices.

As pupils approach GCSEs (Years 10 & 11), they begin to narrow their focus as they uncover their individual interests.

In the Sixth Form, they develop their depth of knowledge and expand the scope of thinking around their chosen subjects.


Sixth Form Courses Guide 2024/25


The aim in the first year is to establish the right habits of work and play, which will develop and flourish as the pupils move through the subsequent years. To that end pupils are engaged in class for 39 out of the 44 timetabled periods. They may have a music lesson in one of the five remaining.

Therefore all pupils will have between three and five periods during the week in which they have to work on the assignments set by teachers. The remaining assignments are completed in prep time. Tutors play a crucial part in helping pupils acquire the right skills to succeed in these early steps towards independent learning. 


Choices of courses for GCSE/IGCSE are made in the Summer term of the first year with support from tutors and subject teachers. All pupils take maths, English, science and at least one modern foreign language.

A conventional GCSE programme will embrace an appropriate range of subjects and strike the right balance between breadth and the opportunity for excellence. This usually requires pupils to be in taught classes for 35 of the 44 periods, and there is a deliberate and incremental development of assignment period opportunities to enhance independent learning. These also allow teachers the time to see pupils individually to review and correct work as necessary.


We offer a pre-IB year for overseas pupils who wish to study here in Year 11 and continue into the Sixth Form on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.


In the sixth form, pupils can choose between A levels and International Baccalaureate (IB). Irrespective of which route they take, the Academic Enrichment Programme provides further opportunities to broaden horizons, develop transferable skills and enhance their academic profile.