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If you are interested in sport, health, wellbeing and the way the body responds to physical activity, this is the subject for you.

In the past 20-30 years career opportunities in sport have expanded hugely so whether you wish to be a professional athlete, coach, teacher, medical professional or sports business, a GCSE in PE is the place to start.

For more information please contact our Director of Sport, Rory McCann on



In GCSE PE we follow the OCR syllabus which comprises 40% practical and 60% theory. Pupils will be taught in a variety of practical and theory lessons. Theoretical topics studied include Skeleton, Muscles, Fitness training, drugs in sport, sponsorship and media. In practical lessons pupils are introduced to a variety of activities, improving their skills and tactical awareness. Marks will be awarded for a candidate's three strongest sports and they must be either be two team games and one individual sport or, two individual sports and one team sport.

A level

Is an extension to the GCSE syllabus as we continue to follow OCR’s syllabus. The focus at A level is on three theoretical concepts:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology
  • Socio Cultural Issues

If you want to know why one athlete is quicker, stronger, makes better decisions, can take pressure, loves playing in front of a crowd, gets better funding than another, why some sports are in the Olympics and others not, why cheese rolling and tossing big logs still takes place, why, how and which athletes take drugs, why schools like Bryanston predominantly play the team sports, why some male sport is perceived to be taken more seriously than female sport, why some athletes do not get tired, why we are so bad at penalty shoot-outs, why some athletes sit in ice baths and wear odd looking tights, why coaches do or say many of the things they do, why you love exercise and are willing to try almost anything in order to get better and understand your sport, then Physical Education is for you.


Pupils must be passionate about sport and willing to find out how much better they can be in and out of the classroom. They must also have attained at least a B grade in GCSE Physical Education and/or GCSE Science. With 30% of the course being assessed via performance of one sport, it is expected that candidates will be proficient at sport.

Assessment structure

Theory: (examination) 70%
Practical: (performance and analysis in one sport) 30%

Potential careers

With a qualification in Physical Education, candidates can go on to higher education to study Sports Science, Physiotherapy, Sports Studies or Physical Education and pursue a career in professional sport, physiotherapy, teaching, coaching, the leisure industry, recreational management and the health and fitness industry. You could be the next England Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Football or Cricket Psychologist, Physiologist or Physiotherapist.

Contact for further information:
Mr Dunman: or Mr Morris:

IB Sports Exercise and Health Science

Course Summary

The course incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sport, exercise and health. SL and HL pupils will cover a range of core and option topics and carry out practical investigations in both laboratory and field settings.

Core topics (compulsory)

  • Anatomy
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Energy Systems
  • Movement Analysis
  • Skill in Sport
  • Measurement and Evaluation of Human Performance

Options (two from the following)

  • Optimising physiological performance
  • Psychology of Sport
  • Physical activity and health
  • Nutrition for sport, exercise and health


Pupils do not have to have studied PE at GCSE, however a minimum of Grade B at GCSE Biology will be required. Due to the theoretical nature of the course sporting ability is not necessary. An interest in sport is more beneficial!

Potential careers

The course is suited to a wide range of pupils; obviously those interested in sport or pursuing a career in Sports Science, Physiotherapy or Sports Medicine.

Contact for further information

Mr Dunman: or Mr Morris: