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The Computer Science Department aims to equip pupils to understand how digital technology shapes our world and how they might take control of it.

We teach computer science across all year groups, with the D year acting as a foundation year. This is then developed further through GCSE and A level courses in computer science.

The department also offers the opportunity for pupils to explore outside the structured curriculum.

Mike Davis
Head of Computer Science


D year

The new D curriculum is designed to provide our D pupils with a thorough grounding in the principles of computer science, giving them an appreciation of the technologies which have quickly become fundamental to our way of life. Algorithms and programming are introduced with practical robotics activities, with additional units on data representation, computer networks and mobile app development. The computer science classrooms are fully equipped with iMacs, although pupils are encouraged to use their own laptops where possible, allowing them to become more proficient in their use and taking responsibility for their learning.


AQA Computer Science is offered as a GCSE, allowing pupils opportunities to develop their programming and computational thinking skills, together with a theoretical knowledge of the underlying principles of computer science. Assessment is by two written papers, one based on the concepts and terminology of computing fundamentals, and another demonstrating their computational thinking and problem solving skills. In addition, pupils complete a practical programming project.

Sixth form

The AQA A level Computer Science specification follows naturally on from study at GCSE. Pupils sit two exams; an on-screen exam covering programming (based on pre-released code that pupils are required to analyse, understand, modify and improve) and problem solving and then a written paper covering data representation, networks, databases and computer architecture. Pupils also complete a programming project with a very open brief, worth 20% of the overall mark.

The A level is a comprehensive and rigorous qualification, covering topics that have typically been considered to be degree level, and equips pupils well for further study in the subject.

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Computer Science scholarships

Pupils who exhibit a good level of ability in a variety of computer science applications and technologies are welcome to apply for Bryanston’s computer science scholarship. They should also be enthusiastic about pursuing their interests through a wide range of computer science initiatives and display their potential in programming or developing apps. Computer science scholars will be expected to contribute to and be involved with the support of school computer science initiatives as well as helping to encourage junior pupils into the world of computer science.